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my bf is threatening to post pix of me on fb? - Printable Version

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my bf is threatening to post pix of me on fb? - 567 - 06-12-2014 02:19 AM

My bf made the comment to me the other day saying "what would u do if I got really mad and posted these pictures on facebook?" Now u may think its a joke but he has cheated on me before and has done some reeeeally low shit to me so I honestly wouldnt put it past him. My biggest concern is getting in trouble. I know I shouldn't have sent them and ive learned my lesson but will I get in trouble for sending them to him if he posts them or will his account get deleted and that is the end of it? Im really scared and hes been getting super pissed at me over the littlest things like old pictures I took with friends last year. Please help

- jon_mac_usa_007 - 06-12-2014 02:30 AM

Learning your lesson after the fact, after you get "screwed" is not the best way to learn as you go through life, sort of like "driving safely after you crash your car" and kill your BFF .

Nothing you can do except sit and think of exactly how foolish sending any photo to anyone which you wouldn't want your mom & dad to see.

- Jeff P - 06-12-2014 02:35 AM

For starters, Facebook doesn't allow photos containing nudity to be posted, so if he does post them people will more than likely report it for violating Facebook's ToS. If you're a minor, or the pictures were taken when you were a minor, then this could be considered distribution of child pornography which is illegal. Unfortunately, since you gave (gifted) him the pictures, he can use them however he sees fit. However, he cannot threaten or blackmail you into doing something as those acts are illegal. If he's threatening you (hopefully in a text message, Facebook message, email, etc.), go to the police (or if you're a minor, tell your parents and they can go to the police).

- Vanessa - 06-12-2014 02:48 AM

He has no right to do that, even if he gets pissed off at you, you should let him know that you are able to sue him for posting your pictures on a social network without your consent. Or if he wont buy that then you should also get something on him that would make him think twice about blackmailing you further. hope that helps.. good luck.

- Amol - 06-12-2014 02:56 AM

take his mobile annd try to hack hiis fb aciount. or do smething that he cnt acces his acount... i think u know how to stop him...