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eBay Seller. Is he trustworthy? - Printable Version

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eBay Seller. Is he trustworthy? - AustinJames - 06-12-2014 03:47 AM

I'm sorry for the repetitiveness of this question. I'm sure there are a million "can I trust eBay" questions on here, but my parents are very skeptical of purchasing from anywhere other than a reputable dealer and I would like to put their minds at ease. This seller is selling a pair of cleats for $180 dollars that are discontinued (used to retail for $200). I would buy them somewhere else, but I contacted Nike and they said that nowhere in the world are they still carrying those exact cleats. It seems as if he is trustworthy to me. He has a 100% satisfaction rating with something like 3,500 reviews in the past year. If anyone could clarify that he is trustworthy or give their opinion that would be great.

- Whats Up Doc - 06-12-2014 03:53 AM

Check the profile. If they have done business with Ebay they will have a good rating.