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What is wrong with my parents? rofl? - Printable Version

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What is wrong with my parents? rofl? - Eric - 06-12-2014 06:11 AM

Soo, my parents sent me to the psychiatrist because of my "World of Warcraft addiction" (I'm on my pc 16h/day), I told them that I am not addicted to World of Warcraft, I'm addicted to the internet it'self. So, I had to go there, and I told my psychiatrist and parents things that I will try to get my social life back and stop playing that game. So I got home, and downloaded all releases of NFS, Sanctum 2, C.O.D etc. and I am now playing those games like, I play even more than before, and now my parents told my psychiatrist that she did a great work with me, and that I'm a lot better person than before and I'm on the right road. I mean seriously, what the hell? lol, all I did was changed games, my life is the same, why do they hate World of Warcraft so much but they don't mind me playing the other games?

- Agent - 06-12-2014 06:22 AM

16 hours is a worrying amount of time. I play games in all of my spare time, but it doesn't come slightly close to 16 hours a day and even then it's unhealthy. I'm well aware of how unhealthy playing games for over 6 hours is, I just don't care Tongue

It might be some kind of placebo effect. Perhaps they've seen particular news stories about addictions to WoW and the unhealthiness of playing it, and therefore they're worried about that game more than others. But seriously, you shouldn't play games that much. It's really bad for you. I get a max of 8 hours in a day, and even that's really bad.

- Shadowchaos - 06-12-2014 06:31 AM

They probably have connected your lack of being social with the game itself. Sooner or later they will start yelling about the new games as well. Been there, done that.
Another explanation would be that they are too blind to realize that the game was not the problem, the problem is the Internet all in all. And to be honest, you don't want them to realize that,now, do you? Tongue

One thing ( I know it's off the question's topic but whatever), if you ever feel like you want to be free from that internet addiction, visit a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. Most of the times, going straight to the second one straight away does more bad than good. He's a doctor after all, most of the times he sees the solution in meds and not psychotherapy.

I hope things will work out for you! Cheers!

- Ashen - 06-12-2014 06:44 AM

16 hours a day ? really ?