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How to Make My Blog PR High fast? - Printable Version

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How to Make My Blog PR High fast? - Merdu - 06-12-2014 06:29 AM

- jweezy7 - 06-12-2014 06:39 AM

Link exchange with blogs of the same niche, social bookmark, and update your blog daily. This will definitely get your PR up there however, unfortunately Google updates their PR system about every 3 months, so you can have a higher PR than what the system shows. Although they are due for an update and should update it sometime in May

- Raj - 06-12-2014 06:40 AM

There are many websites related to page ranking PR solution.
This is website people used for page ranking solution.
You also can solve your problem from this site.
I am using this site to increase my blog page ranking.

- Djoko - 06-12-2014 06:50 AM

with the right seo techniques.
you can get them with webfire disini " "

- Beatrix - 06-12-2014 07:00 AM

First of all make sure that your blog post is different and has a unique quality, build a back links with those sites which have high page rank or high authenticity, Use Guest posting, Reciprocal link technique, Use social sites to get traffic and back links too and last but not least Don’t use black hat tricks in order to gain page rank.