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How do you get a website noticed? - Printable Version

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How do you get a website noticed? - Will Thompson - 06-12-2014 06:35 AM

I'm thinking about setting up a website to display and sell my photography. Once it's set up how do I get people going to it? Like how should I promote it so people will go onto the site?

- Jake - 06-12-2014 06:36 AM

Typically through search engines SEO and free social sites where you display some samples, Facebook allows separate Business pages for any legit business, Pinterest is a graphic oriented sharing site with a strong female demographic.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization guide by an SEO authority, too much of the stuff taught by others is out of date or simply inaccurate.

Paid advertising would probably not be cost effective, there are photo broker sites that might get you like $1 per user licencing photos for their web sites.

- Morgun - 06-12-2014 06:43 AM

One of the best ways to do so is through SEO. If you optimize your website, you can increase the site's traffic.