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How can I share my 3G dongle internet connection wirelessly via my laptop? - Printable Version

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How can I share my 3G dongle internet connection wirelessly via my laptop? - Insan - 06-12-2014 10:47 AM

I have a 3G USB dongle with the Three network and I use it to get internet on my laptop via the 3G network. My question is, can I turn my laptop into a wi-fi hotspot and share this 3G internet connection, and how? The laptop is running Windows 7 64-bit, and yes it does have a wi-fi card built in.

I know I can do it with a cabled ethernet connection, because I have done it before on my other laptop. And I know there is a program called Connectify which you can use to share your internet connection. But I tried using Connectify yesterday to turn my laptop into a wi-fi hotspot and I tried changing some network settings to enable the 3G connection to be shared, but it didn't work. So I wondered if someone who has done it before, or knows how to do it can take me through exactly what settings I need changing.

Thank you.

- James Esveld - 06-12-2014 11:00 AM

i knowhow to do it im just not sure if it will work soo... we are in the same pikle

- Kamal Jalil - 06-12-2014 11:08 AM

Enable ICS Internet Connection sharing

Even better get a wireles router with usb pots!