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How easy is it to trace an anonymous question on back to a specific person? - Printable Version

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How easy is it to trace an anonymous question on back to a specific person? - 344 - 06-12-2014 03:26 PM

Ok, so I didn't ask anything mean or dirty. I just asked this girl if she is single because I was worried she might be dating my crush. I DO NOT HAVE AN ASK.FM ACCOUNT. I thought I was completely anonymous. But now I read that there are apps that trace anonymous questions.
I'm sort of freaking out at the moment. Is there any way she could find out it was me? Like if she got my IP address somehow through one of those apps...would she know my full name??

Don't worry..I've learned my lesson. I'll never ask another person a question.

- xoxo-gossip-girl - 06-12-2014 03:29 PM

none of those apps are legit. wouldn't ruin the anonymity, and the whole point of their website that easily. DON'T WORRY!

the only way she can find out is by using your IP address, but that would only happen if you bullied her and she got the police involved. (:

- stephanie a - 06-12-2014 03:31 PM

paypal account,,