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I hate my username! But I cant change it, what do I do? - Printable Version

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I hate my username! But I cant change it, what do I do? - 778 - 06-12-2014 04:38 PM

Okay, so I have a username on a site and Im gonna be honest with you, my cousin made the username. Its called iamahottie123456. Corny right?? You can buy (With real money) money on the game and I have tons of bought stuff, but you cant change the username or transfer the clothes but I dont want another account as my friends on there are special to me. I dont know, it just doesnt feel right making another account. I tell them all that my cousin made the username (The Truth) but they dont believe me! What do I do????? :{
( Also, can you please make me feel better by adding usernames on any site you go on that are absolutely terrible and corny,Thanks :} )

- uk_staffie - 06-12-2014 04:49 PM

helps if you told us what site it is....