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What should i do about this guy that i have liked for 4 year? I need your opinion please? 10PTS BEST ANSWER? - Printable Version

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What should i do about this guy that i have liked for 4 year? I need your opinion please? 10PTS BEST ANSWER? - 809 - 06-13-2014 05:43 AM

So this guy liked me for 2 years I was grade 8 he was grade 11 he always used to stare at me and he used to follow me in the playground also he once followed me to the bathroom to know my name my friend always told me to not get my hopes up but I did anyways he never did talk to me though I added him on fb but he didn't confirm but then again he hasn't opened fb in two years thing is I liked him since I was 13 but now I'm 17 and he's 21 but idk where he is its like he's gone out of sight but my brother told me he saw him a couple of days ago I liked seeing his sisters fb and it showed pictures that they were in America see the thing is I decided its time to move on after four years of liking him but once my teacher told me to go to the supervisor and get exam papers she told me take these they were in a cabinet so I took them and while walking to class I realized his name was on the last paper so at first thought I was hallucinating but then I showed my bff so I don't think of myself as a freak anyways he graduated four or five years ago so why would his name be on the paper after I decided to forget him ugh is fate mocking me or something

- Anika - 06-13-2014 05:45 AM

You do realize that was like 5 years ago right? He has probably moved on and so should you. I don't remember my eighth grade crushes, and I doubt he remembers you. You're wasting your time on a guy you'll probably never see again.

- Sam - 06-13-2014 05:58 AM

I don't know why is name would be on there! It's like when you see something everyday in the same spot and never use it and the one day you need it, it's not there! My personal suggestion is that you should move on. You've dedicated 4 years of your life, your life! Not his! Try to talking to other guys or going on a date or two and see how you feel afterwards. Hope this helps!

- XxGirlxX - 06-13-2014 06:02 AM

Just give up. I liked a boy for 5 freakin years and know I rarely see him. I moved on and now I like girls. It's better!

- Lauryn - 06-13-2014 06:10 AM

you should let go, especially if he's not around you any more.

unless you live in a romantic comedy, in which case travel the world looking for him!