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Sent a friend request to my coworker—still haven't accepted it? - Printable Version

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Sent a friend request to my coworker—still haven't accepted it? - 753 - 06-13-2014 07:22 AM

So I added one of my coworkers 'cause I didn't have a chance to talk to her after work; she wasn't on break. I had to talk to her about something we had to do at a meeting next week. 'Cause after that day, I didn't work from then and I had to let my boss know by Mon. on what we were to do. Anyways, she accepted my request then I talked to her from then.

Now I saw one of my coworker on her Friend List. I went to her profile and saw she had 2000+ friends. I thought she was another one of those people who add random/most request. I decided to add her.

I went to profile again and saw she changed her profile picture 20 min. ago. And she didn't accept my request yet. I feel so embarrass I sent it to her. I don't want to her to think I'm a creep or something.

She on vacation right now and when she come back, I'm going to feel so awkward. She'll be like, "That's the girl who wanted to add me." So now what? I feel so stupid.

- Amy - 06-13-2014 07:25 AM

It could be one of two things. Maybe she didn't notice the request. That happens to me sometimes and then I'll accept it.

And you mentioned that she's on vacation. The last thing I'm worrying about while on vacation is what's going on on Facebook.

I don't think she'll say anything to you about your friend request either. There's pretty much this unwritten rule that whatever happens on Facebook, stays on Facebook. At least that's how it is with me and my coworkers and my circle of friends.

- Rambo - 06-13-2014 07:39 AM


- Coco6789 - 06-13-2014 07:42 AM

coujld be busy?

- Ameila - 06-13-2014 07:45 AM

Don't worry dear,
there are so many reasons about this issue.
May be busy, or not interested to add you or take some time to think that adding you or not or etc.
It is natural thing.
Hope you will understand . . .