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I sold an item on ebay, listing was removed after payment was made? - Printable Version

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I sold an item on ebay, listing was removed after payment was made? - Cool, like. - 06-13-2014 03:08 PM

Earlier today I sold a pair of UGG boots on ebay. The buyer purchased through 'buy it now' and immediate payment was made through Paypal. Literally 5 minutes after I contacted the winner saying I would post them out tomorrow, I received an email saying that the listing was removed due to policy violation from unauthorized item. (The boots are real, so the counterfeit claims are false). Does anybody know where I go from here to resolve this situation. I don't want to send these out and end up with the seller getting a refund, meaning that I lose out... I also don't want to not send them and get in bother for still having the money for them? Will paypal automatically send the money back to the buyer now?? Help!?

- Naomi - 06-13-2014 03:18 PM

I'd have a word to ebay to find out what is going on. I'd also tell the sender there may be a delay and you'll hopefully get the item to them ASAP. PayPal won't refund the money unless they have a reason to. From their end it would look like a straight up and down sale took place. As long as you continue to communicate then you should be fine.

- David - 06-13-2014 03:30 PM

There should be a link in the email for you to try to resolve the issue. You will need to follow the link in the email to investigate the policy violation and possibly lodge an appeal. Also I would keep the buyer fully informed and offer a refund to avoid getting negative feedback


- Andi - 06-13-2014 03:37 PM

NO the money does not Automatically get sent back

The buyer gets a message saying something like
' we detected a problem with the listing'
'if you have not paid, we recommend you do not complete the purchase, if you have completed the purchase and do not get the goods, please request a refund'

I have had listings cancelled / users cancel their account after I purchased and similar events.

I had paid, I got the goods.

Due to the fact that this is Ebay cancelling it by policy,
I would contact their support and get them involved - and ask for confirmation of why they consider it in violation. Do not argue about being fake / genuine yet - let them make that statement first.

I would also message the buyer, and let them know that you are discussing with ebay due to them delisting it, but will be sending soon. (don't make the buyer nervous and cause them to try and claim back because of that)

and when you send the boots, make sure you send
Recorded (proof of arriving only and only if they arrive) or
Secure Delivery (2 pounds more, but is full tracked from sending)

that way the buyer has less ability to claim their did not arrive and claim on that basis.