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Couchsurfing or Sexsurfing: should I stay with a guy who has hosted 40 Slavic girls? - Printable Version

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Couchsurfing or Sexsurfing: should I stay with a guy who has hosted 40 Slavic girls? - Gema21 - 06-14-2014 12:19 AM

What is your opinion about guys who ONLY host Eastern European girls on Couchsurfing? I met a guy in Rome and he seems like a real gentleman and kind. He asked me to stay with him on my next visit to Rome next month. I really liked him but I see that he hosted over 40 women on his Couchsurfing profile and only 1 male guest.

and he has photos with them all over. Same places and things that he wants to do with me in Rome.

I realize most guys use Couchsurfing to meet girl and sex and while it may be fine and normal, I have my alarm bells going off in my head and am turned off at his systematic hosting of girls which all happen to be Russians, Ukranians and Poles. After realizing this, I decided NOT to stay with him. I told him I will stay somewhere else, and he is asking why and wants to know the reason.

I live in Istanbul and he lives in Rome. And sure we liked each other when I visited Rome the first time (I didnt stay with him). And I dont have any expectations. I like him as a person, but I dont like this hosting and couchsurfing business and wondering if he is a player.

What is your opinion about this subject? Would you be turned off at this like me?

- 604 - 06-14-2014 12:33 AM

Is a key word "Slavic"? Or the fact, that that was 40 women is the problem?
What if they were from ... say Northern Europe?
FYI, "Slavic" is a linguistic notion, not ethnic. To many of us it's almost an ethnic slur.

Back to your question.
Being a user of social networks (, etc) I can assure you that we, Eastern European women, are being hunted by all those "machos" from the South on a daily basis. Some of my relatives, who live in Italy told me those creepy stories about obnoxious stalkers.
Is it our fault? Sorry, hon, but no.
As for a few deviant "women" who deliberately visit such kind of guys, they're not considered ladies (to put it mildly) in their own homelands.

Q: "I have my alarm bells going off in my head and am turned off at his systematic hosting of girls which all happen to be Russians, Ukrainians and Poles"
A: apparently, ethnicity is a problem.
Oh, you're from Istanbul? Of course... Ottoman Empire, that has been trafficking, discriminating, raping, murdering millions of our women for centuries.
I bet you're very proud of your ancestors.

- dariana2 - 06-14-2014 12:35 AM

If your alarm bells start ringing then dont stay there. Is that simple .

Using Couchsurfing to meet girls for sex is not fine and normal and if you happen to get any proof that he is doing that you should warn other travelers.

- Tropicalboy - 06-14-2014 12:46 AM

I'd say honestly to find a female you can stay with. Or someone who hosts both genders equally. If you see a guy with only woman he has hosted, and 40 at that, there's a good chance he's looking at more then just having you sleep on his couch.

I could be wrong of course and it is only my opinion. Trust your instincts. Sounds like you already know the answer your looking for.
