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Would you unfriend a girl you like if she added the guy you hate the most as a friend on facebook? - Printable Version

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Would you unfriend a girl you like if she added the guy you hate the most as a friend on facebook? - an Imaginary cat owner - 06-14-2014 02:54 AM

she knows how much I hate him and how horrible he is yet she added him as a facebook friend and he started to flirt with her as a complement and she liked his compliments .
we have been dating in real life and I just unfriend her on facebook and would break up with her tomorrow.

- Trep - 06-14-2014 03:01 AM

I can imagine how angry you must be. I would feel the same too. But...let it go! I would feel like deleting too but.....the wise voice tells me not to.
When one deletes friends they dislike, one actually gives them the upper hand. Now, im sure youd like to be on the winning, relax, no matter how ugly your thoughts are, you should take the higher road. Let them be...and you continue with your life.make your own statement on facebook. Put pictures. Show you have a life! But....dont overdo it. Put new pics once in a while. Dont include either of them in the pictures. For now you are a seperate body. All the best and I tell you, the higher road is always the best, pays you more than you think!

- Stop Using My Name - 06-14-2014 03:08 AM

No, because it's not up to me to tell my friends who they can and cannot add on facebook.

- Common Sense - 06-14-2014 03:19 AM

This is child's play. Carry on.

- *38Special* - 06-14-2014 03:30 AM

Hmm well I would delete my whole facebook account. It is a pathetic waste of time.

You sound like me, being upset over social slights. The thing is, she can 'friend' who she wants and if you unfriend just bc of that, then you are letting her or him win

I would unplug the whole thing, bc ppl just get onthere to show off!

- Beverly - 06-14-2014 03:42 AM

No. Maybe the two of them are friends. You come across as possessive which isn't a compliment. Let her have her friends and she won't complain if you have yours.

- Art - 06-14-2014 03:54 AM

You reject the challenge? Your loss. You may not win but you have to try.