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can you fix my grammar please? - 775 - 06-14-2014 04:49 AM

I am very thankful & happy junior has defiantly been the best year of high school for me and the year where I learned many things and changed as a person in middle school and freshmen and sophomore year of high school i didn't care about school at all I didn't do my homework the whole classes where I really did homework in sophomore year was English I thought school was stupid and pointless and I basically did not care about showing up on time and if I did do an assignment it was usually late and not done to the best of my ability except for English sophomore year in that class I did my work on time and tried very hard on it and got a good grade freshmen year me and the other freshmen were known as stupid freshmen by the upper clansmen the guy who I was head over heals in love with broke up with me via Facebook message which I did not see coming at all because just the day before we were chatting for hours on Facebook and we were like no you go offline first no you do okay we will both go offline in 5 seconds okay and in 5 seconds we were still both online we were getting along just fine and the next day out of the blue he broke up with me and told me he never actually loved me and he was my first boyfriend and that was back in 2011 and I just got over it completely like a month or two ago but junior year I learned you don't need a boyfriend to be happy, school is very important and I started trying hard and doing my homework and turning it in on time and not being tardy

- Matthew - 06-14-2014 04:49 AM

I am very thankful and happy, Junior year has definitely been the best year of high school for me. It was the year where I learned many things and changed as a person; in middle school, freshman, and sophomore years of high school I didn't care about school at all, I didn't do my homework, the whole classes where I really did homework in my sophomore year was in English. I thought school was stupid and pointless and I basically did not care about showing up on time and if I did do an assignment it was usually late and not done to the best of my ability; except for English during my sophomore year. I did my work on time and tried very hard on it and got a good grade. Freshman year me and other freshmen were known as stupid freshmen by the upperclassmen, the guy who I was head over heels in love with broke up with me via Facebook message, which I did not see coming at all because just the day before we were chatting for hours on Facebook and we were like: "No you go offline first, no you do okay, we will both go offline for five seconds okay". In five seconds, we were still both offline, we were getting along just find, and the next day out of the blue he broke up with me and told me he never actually loved me, and he was my first boyfriend and that was back in 2011. I just got over it completely like a month or two ago, but my Junior year I learned you don't need a boyfriend to be happy, school is very important and I started trying hard and doing my homework and turning it in on time, and not being tardy.

- Reen - 06-14-2014 04:54 AM

I am very thankful and happy. Junior year has definitely been the best year of high school for me; it is the year where I learned many things. I have changed as a person since middle school and freshmen and sophomore year of high school. Before, I didn't care about school at all; I didn't do my homework. The only class that I did homework in sophomore year was English.
I thought school was stupid and pointless and I basically did not care about showing up on time. When I completed assignments, they were usually turned in late and not done to the best of my ability. However, during my sophomore year, I worked hard in my English class. I did my work on time.

As a freshman, the others and me were known as “stupid freshmen” by the upper classmen. The guy I was head over heels in love with broke up with me through a Facebook message. I did not see it coming at all because the previous day we were chatting for many hours. We were even being playful about who should go offline first. But the next day he broke up with me out of the blue and told me he never actually loved me. He was my first boyfriend (a relationship from 2011), I just got over it completely recently.

Junior year I learned that I don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. School is very important. I started trying hard in class, started doing my homework. I made sure to show up and turn in assignments on time.