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Is it ok to contact guy after date? - Printable Version

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Is it ok to contact guy after date? - 451 - 06-14-2014 10:15 AM

I went on a coffee date 2 weeks ago with a guy I met online, I liked him and I thought the date went well, he asked me during the date if I wanted to go to the movies with him sometime and the day after the date he sent me a text to ask how my evening had been, I replied I had a good evening and hoped he was having a good day. I then got no reply from him and he has not contacted me again. I would like to meet him again but don't know if I should try to contact him. If he is not interested in meeting again I am confused why he sent me the text the day after the coffee date. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is it best to try to contact the guy again or move on? Thanks.

- MatiG - 06-14-2014 10:21 AM

Maybe your text failed to send. It happens sometimes. Try again, and try through a different mean (if you have fb, try that). If he still doesn't answer, then perhaps he is not interested.

- Dsss - 06-14-2014 10:24 AM

Aw this is simple just send him a message asking if he got your text :O :O :O