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MEN PLEASE - why did he message me? - Printable Version

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MEN PLEASE - why did he message me? - Samantha - 06-14-2014 12:22 PM

My ex and I got into this HUGE fight 2 months ago.
Where mean things were said on both sides and I thought he said he didn't want to be friends or whatever.
We didn't talk for 2 months.

I tried to talk to him a couple of times, but he never responded.
We play in the same soccer league on sundays, and 3 weeks ago, I saw him and tried talking to him but all he said was "sorry, can't talk"

I was blocked on Facebook.

Until today, when I messaged me on Facebook, saying "what did you want to talk to me about? I'm listening…." so I responded with "hi" and he goes "that's all you have to say?"
So we were kind of texting for a little bit but he stopped responding… lol

Why would he message me??
And then why would he not respond??? I'm so confused
Is him not responding him trying to make me not eager? Or to "play it cool"? (he was never a big texter anyways)

- Katie - 06-14-2014 12:30 PM

This man sounds retarded. Stay away. Find someone else.

Blocking you in the first place was very rude. Tell him that you never want to see him again.

- Jo - 06-14-2014 12:32 PM

He responded because he wanted to know what you wanted to talk about.

He quit responding because whatever you wanted to talk about was probably not important or not very interesting.

Quit over thinking. It's not to make you eager or to play it cool.

Likely he is just not interested in a relationship any more. And wants to remain an ex.

So quit spinning some fantasy back story.