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Female Friend Of Six Years Has Feelings For Me? - Printable Version

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Female Friend Of Six Years Has Feelings For Me? - 776 - 06-14-2014 04:17 PM

We`ve been friends 6 years. She`s in a 4year relationship. She's a friendly girl. Once I was at the school gym working out and she was outside and blew me a kiss and text me "your so cute".

That night she text me saying I "your the best friend I could ever had and I know guys don't like hearing this but I had to tell youSmile." She had us take a pic together at the mall a few weeks back.

Every time I post something she likes it. She asks about my love life at time.I posted a photo of myself and she commented"cutie;p "Last week she I mentioned I bought condoms and she mentioned how she uses birth control and that if she was going to cheat she'd use a condom.

3 weeks ago I reposted a pic of us that I accidently deleted and she commented shes hurt I deleted it. I commented I would never delete it and she said good with a bunch of hearts. That week She took a picture of me and posted it

2 weeks ago me, my friend and her hung out. I text her later to make sure she got and she said ya and told me I act differently and more macho around my guy friend. My friend thinks she wants to hook up with me. She text me monday but did not really seem into it.

A Female Friend And Guy Friend Both think she wants to hook up with me. Yesterday I changed my Facebook profile picture to a picture that she already liked and she unliked the pic and liked it again.

- Jane - 06-14-2014 04:20 PM


- kat - 06-14-2014 04:31 PM

How about you ask her out to dinner and see if shes all happy and stuff. If she is then she likes you.

- Liv - 06-14-2014 04:44 PM

That's confusing.

If you want to get together with her, cool. But she is already in a relationship, right.

If not, then tell her that you're not interested. Or that her doing all these things is giving you the impression she wants to hook up and if that's the case, then no.

Gently remind her she's in a relationship.

(That can also be an excuse if you don't want to say anything that may hurt her feelings)

If she says something like "than I'll just end the relationship" tell her that your not interested.

- H - 06-14-2014 05:00 PM

You're best friends. That's it.

If she wanted sex, she would be dating you and not in a relationship with someone else. Your other friends are pathetic to read into your friendship with this girl.

You know her better than why are you listening to these people who have no clue and no concept of girls and guys actually having friendships without sex?

You probably do act differently around certain friends. That one guy you mention seems to be thinking girls just want sex if they're nice to you and that they can't be friends with guys.

Just because your friend wasn't into texting doesn't mean ANYTHING. Texting is hiding and ridiculous. If you want to talk to her, call her or talk in person. People aren't connected to their phone and computers 24/7. They have lives.

Don't talk about your friendship with others. It's none of their business. If you have a problem with her or you want to know something, talk to her about. Be her friend.