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Did he delete his relationship status on fb? - Printable Version

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Did he delete his relationship status on fb? - 981 - 06-14-2014 08:09 PM

I haven't been on fb in a year and I logged on today and in my about me it said I was still in a relationship and I checked my boyfriends page who I live with and it said single. Did he do that or does facebook make changes like that?

- Screenwriter - 06-14-2014 08:18 PM

maybe it's just because he knows you aren't on there a lot ??

- Walking Dead Fan - 06-14-2014 08:21 PM

A lot of people forget to change their relationship status. When I was on Facebook it took my friends sometimes weeks to change it.

- Music&Me - 06-14-2014 08:27 PM

no idea