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To whom do I repirt a major scam pupretrated by a supposd soldier Michael Forbes Jr.? He puports live and marriage then - Printable Version

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To whom do I repirt a major scam pupretrated by a supposd soldier Michael Forbes Jr.? He puports live and marriage then - 099 - 06-15-2014 01:40 AM

Demands money or expensive electrnocics to be sent to his adopted 24 yo daughter in GHANA after telling me he is sending me a HUGE amt of money. I did not fall for it. My main concern is that the name and pics were stolen from a REAL soldier or that someone else will fall for it.

- dadnbob - 06-15-2014 01:45 AM

Of course it's a scam. I'm amazed at the number of people who fall for these things.

- Kittysue - 06-15-2014 01:54 AM

It's a scam
You can report to several places since he's pretending to be a soldier
1 - report ASAP to the site where you met (Facebook, dating site, etc) to get his profile removed before someone else falls for it
2 - report to the FBIs IC3 Internet Crimedivision
3 - report to the Army Criminal Investigation Command
4 - report to the Fake Warriors project
5 - report him to the Military Romance Scam page on Facebook