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Boyfriend never likes my pics on instagram? - Printable Version

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Boyfriend never likes my pics on instagram? - 196 - 06-15-2014 05:40 AM

I know this is a personal matter that only he can answer me but I'm just curious what you guys may think. My boyfriend and I are both 18 years old. I'll be honest it's not as serious as most, it's mostly hanging out, eating, movies and yes, we started having sex. I just find it odd that he likes ALL of his friends instagram pics but I know he purposely doesn't like mine. I know he sees them. He'll even mention something about it to me (example, if I put up a pic of a sandwich, he'll text me saying how's that sandwich) stupid stuff. I don't bring it up cus it's just a social network but I don't get what he's hiding. He can't be hiding me. It's just something that bothers me cus our generation practically lives on instagram

- Brian B - 06-15-2014 05:43 AM

Not to be mean (I swear!) but...Who cares???? Are you gunna start a fight with him over him not liking your pics? Break up with him?? It's just doesn't really matter...don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill, it'll just create drama and pointless problems.

- Ronald - 06-15-2014 05:55 AM

Just ask him. Guys rant afraid to be straight forward at least I'm not.

- Catwoman - 06-15-2014 06:03 AM

It's whatever. He at least conversation with you about what you post. It's just Instagram too. It's not that big really. I'm pretty sure it's all okay! (: He might be doing it just to mess with you or something too.

- girlwhmwrk - 06-15-2014 06:08 AM

People like stuff on Instagram to stay in touch/remind friends you still are in their lives a little. Maybe he thinks you both are close enough that it's not necessary.

- Pavel Salamakha - 06-15-2014 06:23 AM

Maybe he just doesn't want to like some of your posts over others because he doesn't want to offend you or something. Just deal with it and let it go because after all it is just a social netwoking website and not real life at all.

- Jackie Corona - 06-15-2014 06:38 AM

i had two boyfriends like that so no worried.

- Tim - 06-15-2014 06:54 AM

My ex complained the same to me.. I told her I didn't need to because 95% of the time I was right next to her on FB and all that together talking about everything on our social networks. I just didn't feel the need and never thought about it at all. It's really not a big deal and I wouldn't worry about it.

- Brielle - 06-15-2014 07:04 AM

try to ask him

- Aaliyah - 06-15-2014 07:13 AM

try to ask him about your love