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Why am I afraid to show up on school? - Printable Version

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Why am I afraid to show up on school? - 788 - 06-15-2014 03:28 PM

I almost don't dare to show up on school becuase I don't dare to meet on a special guy. I know that he likes me. And i don't dare too meet him at school becuase I am afraid that he will see me as another person, becuase I may behave a bit different around him than I did before I found out that he like me. I want to be myself, but I don't know how...
We have a lot of the same interests, and I like to post on fb everything that I do. And I am afraid that he will think that I post alot about the things we have in common just too be "cool" but I don't. He haven't showed up around me in to days, still he had been on school... I am afraid of scaring him away.. Maybe I reacted a bit to big when I found out that he liked me?):
What should I do to stop going around and being worried about so small things?Sad

- Bogevski - 06-15-2014 03:30 PM

Hey, if you think he likes you, he does. text him on facebook, he will ask you out, go out with him and the rest will happen on it self. I'm 15 years old, guy, trust me.. Smile

- Ann - 06-15-2014 03:32 PM

Don't worry about him. Concentrate on your studies and don't post as many FB's as you have. DO NT CHASE HIM! It makes you look like you are needy and the beginning and men were taught to chase and gather. Take a step back. Work on your self esteem. tell yourself you deserve a good man who chases YOU! Good luck to you from a person who has chased guys and fell on her head.

- That - 06-15-2014 03:33 PM

Do what I do have an I don't care about all the things I should worry about, then ask this guy out cuz he likes you