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Computer Freeze-Ups (No virus or overheating)? - Printable Version

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Computer Freeze-Ups (No virus or overheating)? - 356 - 06-15-2014 06:32 PM

I've been having a problem with my new gaming computer, it is a whitebox custom made computer, but it has a few problems. Just to get out of the way are things i KNOW that aren't wrong with it: It does not have a virus, It does not overheat (good fans). I play a semi-high end game called world of tanks, and every day, at least twice, the computer freezes when loading a game, and when it unfreezes (sometimes it doesn't) the game plays with severely reduced FPS (from 40-60 down to 3-5) and i have to reduce graphics to play it. Currently, restarting the computer is my only temporary solution. However, its not only with the game, whenever i am on a browser (firefox, chrome) and i am browsing the web, everything freezes for a brief moment, and after it unlocks (again, sometimes it doesn't) pages take forever to load and programs become unresponsive. I can even shut down the computer because it hangs up so i have to kill the power. Just today, i opened up the game after about 7 hours of downtime and the computer immediately froze up, then continued at a crawl. Help is appreciated.

- john - 06-15-2014 06:43 PM

Need more info - operating system etc.
However I find this can happen when my internet connection is interrupted.
Try raising your router by typing into a browser. Then check the stats to see if there are errors.