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Anti social? Suicidle? - Printable Version

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Anti social? Suicidle? - TrustNone. - 11-09-2012 08:29 AM

Ok, I'm 17 and a guy. I used to very social I'd go out everyday with my friends and have fun. I'd talk to close friends on the phone I'd text people I'd Facebook people I'd go out to eat with friends , movies , Bowled, go to get togethers, have people come over and just do a whole bunch of fun stupid stuff I was VERY social. I never had problems with girls. I wasn't shy about anything but lately I've been feeling... Different I cut ties with everybody I knew, my family forgot about me, I'm doing drugs again, I'm failing school, my perception of life has completely changed. I trust no one, I have no friends I barley go out, I isolate myself in my room everyday. I used to have it all but it went to the point where I sold everything I had just because.. So all I have is a mattress on the floor to sleep on and a iPhone so I can look for work and kill time. I feel depressed but I'm not. This might sound crazy but ever since the summer me and my friend have gotten close to the devil and me personally feel like I have took it to a whole other level. I asked satan everyday that I want a perfect life I don't want anyone to know who I am. I want the money and the wisdom . Now I feel like its coming true but the cost is killing me. I want these voices to stop but they won't I've been contemplating suicide all week I have noone I can tell this too no counselor of therapist or ANYBODY is going to change the way I think because these voices control me now. I'm emotionally drained. I just want my old life back I guess I'm not on here looking for answers.. I just at least want someone out there to know what I'm feeling..getting help won't be the answer none of it will mean nothing. I'm going crazy.

- VIC_VOSS - 11-09-2012 08:37 AM

If you want your old life back, go out and get it back. Swallow your useless trepidation and know that life is pointless, so you might as well do whatever makes you feel good.

- Alejandra - 11-09-2012 08:37 AM

Well maybe you are going crazy. but remember that god only gives you one shot at life so live it to the fullest.