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Best place to learn japanese? - Printable Version

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Best place to learn japanese? - Caden517 - 06-16-2014 03:27 AM

I really want to learn Japanese. I know a couple of sayings and such from Anime, but I want to learn the full language. I m aware it is basically the hardest language to learn for english speakers, but I am up for the challenge. I have any amount of money needed (in a reasonable amount AKA like 500$ or something) what is the best online course to start taking? Or maybe there is some classes close to Houston TX (Katy area to be specific) that are offering. I dont want some ripoff thing or soemthing that only teaches you the basics like Hiragana and katakana (sorry if I spelled them wrong). I want something to were if I was to become a exhange student and go to Japan to study I would be able to understand. Anything that you have used in the past? Thanks!
Not just exchange student, but I might one day want to live in japan, so I really want to learn the language

- The Inquirer - 06-16-2014 03:42 AM


- James - 06-16-2014 03:45 AM

Try Rosetta Stone. I used it in high school to learn a language and decided to use it to learn Japanese. It may seem to start slow but it has a good learning curve and teaches like you learn vocabulary throughout elementary school. It has a good price and works wonders.

- Meagan G. - 06-16-2014 03:59 AM

I highly recommend Rosetta Stone. Ask if your school offers online classes. Keep watching anime with subs as you're learning. I found myself knowing phrases without reading subs.

While you're learning through whatever option you choose, find people who speak Japanese online. Often times, Japanese people love to practice their English on native English speakers, while you can practice your newly acquired Japanese on them.

- Braelyn - 06-16-2014 04:03 AM

I've heard a lot of good things about this.

- Paul - 06-16-2014 04:09 AM

Use when you sign up you can downlaod ALL the podcasts, cheatsheets and pdf lessons, they have podcasts about using the particles, pronunciation and the best grammar techniques. They also speak slowly and phonetical to help you understand more and all of this is free for one week.

Another REALLY useful website i'm not sure of its address but search for Nihongo No Norau i think its spelt, that gives you a VERY good understNding of pronunciation and basic easy to read grammar.

- Red - 06-16-2014 04:17 AM

Before I give you a few sites I know I would NOT recomend Rosetta stone, as much as it is good for learning vocabulary it does not explain the grammar and kind of leaves you there knowing how to say you drink water but now knwing why it is that way! The grammar is really important! so my tip is, if you really really want Rosetta stone at least accompany it with a grammar guide, this way you'll have both the vocbulary and grammar covered but don't just rely on rosetta stone!

Now here are some resources I use everyday!
- Has a complete guide (good in my opinion)
- Another Japanese course
- Has many different courses
- To use as Japanese to English
- To use as English to Japanese
- To add furigana to sites
- Chrome add that helps you with kanji on sites
- To share you progress and let native speakers help you!

- Grace - 06-16-2014 04:30 AM

Well, besides the country Japan, itself, I suppose a class for students who want to learn Japanese. Rosetta Stone.