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my BF wants me to delete friends I don't keep in touch with on Facebook? - Printable Version

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my BF wants me to delete friends I don't keep in touch with on Facebook? - wellhellothere - 06-16-2014 05:53 AM

weve been together for almost a year. its honestly been a rough road bc we have so many issues with trusting each other & also different views on lots of things in life. needless to say, weve both given the thought maybe it'd be better we werent together but that just hasnt happened yet bc we both still want to work things out.
one big issue he has with me is regarding stupid Facebook: I have about 900 friends, while he has less than 200. he doesnt understand why I have so many friends that I dont talk to on a daily basis. hes always deleting people off his facebook saying "I haven't talked to that person in forever so whats the point of being friends?" I can see what hes saying but thats just not me. Majority of the people on my friend list are people I went to high school or college with or worked with. if they send me a friend request, Ill accept it if I know them. I like keeping up with them & I'm sure some people like keeping up with me. Obviously not all 700 but if I do end up seeing someone on my newsfeed that has been a stranger, I dont have a problem deleting them. I thought the whole point of Facebook was to keep in touch with people, seeing what theyre up to & they see what you're up to but hes all weirded out by that thought.
he feels its inappropriate for me to continue having friends I haven't personally spoken to in a couple months. neither of us are wanting to compromise this which means things could come to an end due to both of our stubbornness. thoughts?

- M&M - 06-16-2014 05:59 AM

First of all, like you said, the whole point of facebook is to keep in touch with people youve met throughout your life even if they were just an acquaintance. Your bf might be insecure that you'll start talking to someone else? reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and you're faithful. I dont think you should end your relationship over this though.

- Hannah - 06-16-2014 06:02 AM

Well first of all, Are you sure he's the right guy for you? He's obviously really controlling and has no trust in you what so ever. It's completely normal for you to have a lot of friends on Facebook. I mean everyone has friends they don't really know or talk to much. It's just Facebook. All I have to say is please don't let this guy control your life.

- Belle Bottum (: - 06-16-2014 06:03 AM

Hmmm well it's cool for him to only have 200 friends. I would definitely prefer that to my over 1,000 collected since high school, but who the heck has the energy to go through all those friends and delete them? Tell him it's not that big of a deal to you, it's not worth the effort to even try to begin deleting.
We all only communicate with people we like anyway, so whats the big deal if a middle school friend's picture shows up on the newsfeed every once and a while? He's probably threatened by all of the friends you have acquired over the years. Just let him know it's not a big deal and not worth the effort!

answer mine?