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Should I hit her up? - Printable Version

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Should I hit her up? - 288 - 06-16-2014 07:07 AM

There's a girl who sent me a friend request on fb and she's pretty hot so I thought I'd hit her up. She's one of the few people who gets my sense of humor and thinks I'm hilarious. I don't know if I like her or not yet but she likes me. However, in the 3 days since then, she hasn't hit me up. Should I initiate a chat with her or wait?

- i want chocolate - 06-16-2014 07:19 AM

Most girls wait for the guy to make the moves. If you want to get to know her better and you know that she likes you, you have nothing to lose! To be like hey want to go get ice cream or something. Then just hang out, have fun, see what she's like.

- kate - 06-16-2014 07:35 AM

yes do it.

- LolliPopLover - 06-16-2014 07:52 AM

Yeah you should. Don't be creepy though. As in, don't start by saying "hey you're hot". Try and have a normal intellectual conversation with her, then when you have to leave or pretend you do, say "I hate to cut this conversation short but I have to go. If you'd like, we could continue this over coffee tomorrow" it's smooth and perfect. Shows her you're not desperate enough to stay all day and chat, but you like her enough to wanna continue the conversation. And it doesn't scream "I wanna have sex with you", which by the way, it shouldn't. Good luck, and try not to lead her on if you don't like her all that much, it will only break her and bring down her self confidence