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Crazy Google Positioning Results? - Printable Version

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Crazy Google Positioning Results? - jeromy g - 06-16-2014 09:52 AM

I have been getting crazy search positioning results for my website. One minute I'm listed on page 1 of the search result and have been as high as the #1 position and the next minute I am as far back as on the bottom of page 5. I am still relatively new to SEO, but I have not had this problem with any of the other keywords that I have gone after in the past. At the time of writing this I am currently found in the middle of page 4.

All I want to know is why is there such a big swing in Google's search results. They just seem to be all over the place with no rhyme or reason.

Website is:
Keyword search phrase: small business consulting

- Sillyminnie - 06-16-2014 09:55 AM

Maybe they show results randomly? I used freewebs for my website I had back in middle school. I had no clue what I was doing but mine came up in yahoo or ask search in the top ten.

- imisidro - 06-16-2014 09:59 AM

There is an update by Google that is going on; hence the SERPs are bouncing up and down with some sites appearing and some sites disappearing

The folks at Webmasterworld, which has always been given the "honor" to give a name to Google Updates, is calling this Update Dewey.

Read and other SEO forums as there have been interesting discussions of the current update

- 863 - 06-16-2014 10:13 AM

I give you credit...very clever angle to get folks to visit your site.

- Webman - 06-16-2014 10:22 AM

I will provide the solution. Please visit the link in my profile for more details.

- $$$Night Rider$$$$ - 06-16-2014 10:25 AM

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