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what is the main Problems of online advertising? - Printable Version

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what is the main Problems of online advertising? - Md - 06-16-2014 12:32 PM

- Akdu - 06-16-2014 12:43 PM

Online Advertising is very cheap and effective, due to the increased inclination of the Contemporary Societies towards the Concept of Internet. This is although, not guaranteed, because the increased amount of Traffic gathering on Online Websites upsets Viewers, especially those of Commercial Relations. Also, Online Adverts are usually considered as Spams and Viruses, which is why People tend to ignore them or prevent themselves from indulging into them.
Facebook Adverts though, are effective, and can be used to increase Awareness.

But in my Opinion, Online Adverts are more profitable when used for Awareness, rather than for increasing Sales and initiating Action.

- Md Biplob - 06-16-2014 12:57 PM

Problems of online advertising

1 Privacy
2 Malware
3 Limitations
4 Security concerns
Information security is important both to companies and consumers that participate in online business. Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items over the Internet because they do not believe that their personal information will remain private. Some companies that purchase customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from their promotional redistribution, also known as opting out. However, many customers are unaware if and when their information is being shared, and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies if such activity occurs. Additionally, companies holding private information are vulnerable to data attacks and leaks. Internet browsing privacy is a related consumer concern. Web sites routinely capture browsing and search history which can be used to provide targeted advertising. Privacy policies can provide transparency to these practices. Spyware prevention software can also be used to shield the consumer.