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My best friend of fifteen years isn't my best friend anymore? - Printable Version

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My best friend of fifteen years isn't my best friend anymore? - 492 - 06-16-2014 01:03 PM

I moved away six years ago at 13 and our friendship was going strong. ever since she entered university she got a boyfriend, got new friends, and doesn't even interact in the same way with me anymore. She even forgot my birthday, but filled her facebook up with statuses wishing some other chick (her "best friend") happy birthday. People are telling me to "screw it, nothing is forever" but I feel like I'll never relate to someone in the same way anymore, she was like my sister. I just feel really sad right now.
And honestly, I even confronted her about it and explained how I thought she was too busy for me, and she was surprised. I don't think she even realizes what she's doing, but that's what hurts the most because considering how long we've been friends, she should. I can't believe how oblivious she is. There's no improvement in our communication despite the confrontation.

- PAWS - 06-16-2014 01:12 PM

Read a book or go for a walk.

- angel - 06-16-2014 01:27 PM

Yeah, people change specially when they attend to university. I had a lot of friends, when we went to univ everyone changed in a way. You should try to find new friends in your university, there's no "Friends Forever". This is like the circulation of life, everything in a time and nothing will not last forever.