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Girlfriend going out without me worries me a bit? - Printable Version

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Girlfriend going out without me worries me a bit? - 217 - 06-16-2014 02:42 PM

Okay so I have been dating with my girlfriend for 4 months and we are both 21 years old.
We live in different towns, but we study in the same town so we are most of the time together.
However during weekends she goes out in her hometown and is drinking/partying with her friends.
My problem is...She has never introduced me to any of her friends in the town where we study( not to talk about her hometown friends).
Before me she had 5-6 boyfriends and some "1 night guys" so yeah she's pretty experienced(including a 3 year old relationship), compared to me who never had a girlfriend before.
The thing which bothers me is that she never invited me to meet any of her friends(I know its still early in our relationship maybe), but I have totally no clue with whom she is hanging out or what she could be doing.
I trust her 100%, because she is really the nicest person I have ever met(or its maybe just me being too naïve), however...
It really bothers me when she is out drinking and getting drunk possibly with her friends, which I have no clue about. She could be hanging out with some of her ex boyfriends and I would never find out.
I don't want to tell her that this bothers me, because I don't want to hurt her and show that I don't trust her.
I DO trust her, but it just bothers me..Not knowing anything, nor anyone what she's doing when without me, except that she's partying..

Am I over-reacting, and should I just trust her and not think about stupid stuff? Or...
Otherwise she had never had sex(even thou she had slept with other guys), before me,
but seems she wants to do it with me. Which makes me feel special of course, and
love her even more.
Also one more thing which bothers me that she didn't want a relationship status on facebook(told me maybe after some time, when i offered...), so basically no one knows she even has a boyfriend(except if she has told anyone). I don't care about facebook or anything, i just care about being with her. But why isnt she letting me into her life at all? I don't know anyone of the people she hangs out with and what is she doing?
Is there a possibility she is hiding something from me, or being ashamed
I have never checked her messages on the phone nor facebook, because as i said
i trust her but...
On the other hand i have no friends and i always stay at home when i am without her.
Maybe that's one of the reasons I feel like this, I cant hang out with other people..
I introduced her to my only best friend and thats all I could, I dont have anybody
else left except my familly.
Should I not be worried?Why is she acting like no one needs to know about our relationship?
Or its only me?

- john - 06-16-2014 02:54 PM

Why not suggest that you meet some of her friends? If she still seems reluctant than I would be very suspicious but I'm sure everything will be just fine

- Mimi - 06-16-2014 02:55 PM

You obviously don't trust her or this would be a complete non-issue. Why don't you ask her why she hasn't introduced you to her friends? If you go to school in the same town, you must not live that far apart. Or maybe it's not you she's embarrassed about - maybe it's her friends she's embarrassed by - or maybe none of them have boyfriends or she just doesn't feel you'll fit in with them. Ask her.

- Romanator69 - 06-16-2014 02:59 PM

She sounds like she has issues.

All these boyfriends and never had sex?Virgin girls are always insane and childish until they have sex. I dated a couple of them and it was a nightmare. You have to have patience to put up with them.

You're the dude. You have to take the initiative and tell her you want to hang out with her and her friends. Don't take "no" for an answer. Don't be an ass about it, but remember you wear the pants.

Before you see how she is with her friends, your relationship can be very fake. She could be hiding something or afraid to be herself around you. Hanging out with her friends will let you both get to know each other better.

- Tam B - 06-16-2014 03:01 PM

Okay so similar story here from a girl aged 23 who has a bf living away from my town only we study in the same town too. So we met at university and i party every weekend, get drunk etc. he use to be worried and he spoke to me about it. I reassured him that if I wanted to sleep with other lads, i would without the need for a relationship on the side. I understand why there is a little trust issue with you but if she is into you and she likes you, i am sure she will not cheat on you. In the mean time, talk to her about it without saying "are you gonna cheat on me". just say that you really like her and things are going well just hope nothing happens to mess it up. And you were wondering if it is too early to meet her friends maybe?. you need to speak to her, the paranoia will do your head in otherwise, no matter how much you say you are not paranoid, yes you are a little so do accept that. It is okay to be paranoid because it happens. I was too.
She could be hanging out with 10 lads, or one, it does not mean she will cheat. if she is loyal and honest then she will not cheat. alcohol does not affect everyone the same way. Also, if she says she does not want to put the status up on FB, accept that, maybe it is too early for her. First thing first is reality, not the Internet, so meeting her mates. Don't be going accusing her of anything of the sort like cheating, it WILL mess you both up.