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Should I add my one night stand guy on Fb? - Printable Version

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Should I add my one night stand guy on Fb? - 539 - 06-16-2014 03:45 PM

Had sex with this guy last week.
We met a month ago at a film festival we were both volunteers at.
I'll see him again at the next edition of the film fest at the end of the year.

Should I add him on Fb?

- Sonia Katz - 06-16-2014 03:48 PM

Only if you want more hookups.

- Alli - 06-16-2014 03:54 PM

If he was only a one night stand, definitely not. If you send him a friend request on facebook he will likely find it weird. Just wait until you see him again and see what happens between you. Isn't it possible that he doesn't want another hook up? I'd find that out first, then try moving this thing beyond one night stand..or just sex status to friends. From there, I'd consider being friendly on facebook.

- Project Y - 06-16-2014 03:57 PM

No. If you're going to let him enter your social life he'll use the chance to have a night with you again. Remember that one night stand is just one night. There's a lot of fish in the sea.

- missphilips - 06-16-2014 04:06 PM

I had a one night stand this weekend and as soon as I got back home the guy added me on fb, i didn't find it weird at all Smile and with you at least u met him before. go for it there's not really anything u can lose if he doesnt accept you're no worse off than you are now and if he does well then Wink