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how to become closer with your crush? - Printable Version

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how to become closer with your crush? - 957 - 06-16-2014 03:56 PM

My crush lives right infront of me, he lives across the street and we talk on facebook and that. He told me that he's moving to my highschool soon. I want to hang out and go to the movies but i'm too shy and i don't have that kind of confidence to go up to him outside or say it on facebook. I don't want to go out just yet, i want to take it slow and become friends at first. What should i do? I don't want to sound desperate or obsessed, and i'm scared if he would reject me or make some kind of excuse up. Please help! Smile x

- kate - 06-16-2014 04:04 PM

First off, relax! Smile Becoming friends first is an excellent step. It's easier to be yourself around friends, so treat him as such in the beginning. With the weather being nice, now is the perfect time to initiate contact. For instance, the next time you're out walking the dog (if you have one), pop by his house and ask if he'd mind keeping you company ("Rover here just doesn't make good conversation"). Going for a walk is innocent, doesn't take up a lot of his/your time, and would allow for easy conversation. Or if there's a park nearby, grab a frisbee, stop by his place and ask if he'd like to join. If he's a good fella, he'll be impressed that you made the approach in person versus Facebook. These small activities are way better than going to the movies in my opinion. Just be open and friendly. If it doesn't happen, don't sweat it, there will be other crushes in the future--I promise!