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Fluctuating internet connection (wired)? - Printable Version

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Fluctuating internet connection (wired)? - 778 - 06-16-2014 04:33 PM

OK, I was been having trouble playing online games on my X-box 360. I would have a green (COD) connection, and halfway through the game i would go down to a red connection (making it impossible to play). This isn't to say it has always been halfway through a match that it occurs, it seems random, but for around five minutes at a time, maybe a little less, its unbarably poor, and it goes perfect for like 6 or 7 minutes and back to bad for 5 minutes again etc. etc. etc.. For the past few years i have been downloading using bittorent and about 5 or so months ago my Internet connection started to fluctuate constantly. It is very consistent in that downloads go at a speed of 400kb/s for 6 minutes and then 4-6kb/s for 5 minutes ALL the time. i can deal with this web browsing and even whilst running torrents but i find it unbarrably frustrating for my kill death ratio to go from 2/1 to 1/2 because of something i cannot control. It seems to be taking the fun out of black ops for me.

-running a wired connection to my x-box
-wireless connection to my laptop, note: they are both having almost the EXACT same problem
-my friends who live in the same neighbourhood (few blocks away) are having no trouble running the same internet provider as me also using a wired connection
-using a belkin router

Any help would be much abliged, this is very frustrationg for me and for this problem to be solved wold be the greatest thing to happen in my life for the past few weeks. (got lucky a few weeks ago)
But aside from that; the best thing to happen to me since my god father got me an iPod on what had been the worst christmas of my life. (first gift he's ever given me, also that was a loooong while ago. FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, SOMEONE HELP, PLEEEEEEASE!

thanks :3
Too Keep Asking; I am 16 and have a firm grasp on the meaning of fluctuation, if you were to have read the whole question I'm sure you would too. You, being an individual whom has went to college should know things like that, and even if you don't you should be mature enough to go to one of the thousand dictionary sites on the web and find out (I assume you weren't far from a computer when you answered), rather than answering in a juvenile way, expected by someone much younger than me, let alone you. Thank you for wasting your time and mine. This is a pretty big problem, and a rarity by the looks of the lack of helpful answers I have received. Grow up.

- Keep asking - 06-16-2014 04:34 PM

Whats that?? You got a flatulating internet connection? Pore some Gas-X into your A drive and see what happens.... It should help. If not... drink some alka seltzer and see if you overly winded question can be well not so winded.