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How can I get away from all of these clingy people? - Printable Version

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How can I get away from all of these clingy people? - 985 - 06-16-2014 05:36 PM

For some reason I attract the clingiest people on earth and I feel like I can't escape. This girl back home that I used to be really close friends with has become an angry depressed alcoholic. She blacks out every time we go out and then I have to stay up all night to take care of her as she curses at me and tells me to go away. Whenever I post a picture on Facebook she texted me immediately asking me if I'm home. And I always say no I'm back my university (which I am). I really font like hanging out with her and I'm graduating in 3 weeks and moving back home so she will be texting me constantly!!!! Then I have another friend who is a male and he has been calling and texting me everyday to talk about this girl he likes. I never respond because he's not a good friend. I have no patience for him but all he does is call and text me everyday and I never answer!!!! How do I get rid of these people?!,

- Tuador - 06-16-2014 05:47 PM

For the girl, maybe she just misses you a lot. Like a lot. Maybe if you guys were close then she feels a void when you're gone. To be honest, i think you're going to have to confront her about this. It's the only way she'll at least understand that you're serious. If she denies it or reacts badly- then you need completely avoid her. Block her, delete her number and be careful when you move back.
For the guy, block his number.You don't need to be subjected to all of that nonsense.

- Cherry Berry - 06-16-2014 05:56 PM

get a new phone or sim card or whatever and just distance yourself from them when u see them around say you're busy you're running errands for your mom or something.

- melisa - 06-16-2014 06:05 PM

i think if you keep don't answering them they'll stop texting and all.
or just tell them nicely that you need some space, they'll understand.
good luck!