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On a scale of 1 to sketchy, what is this? - Printable Version

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On a scale of 1 to sketchy, what is this? - 117 - 06-16-2014 05:41 PM

This is a picture of a link that my friend supposedly sent me on Facebook.
It says that his car got stolen and this is where the sketchiness comes in:
1. My friend doesn't own a car, neither does he worry about other people's cars
2. He is a grammar Nazi as much as the next grammar Nazi so this horribly spelled message makes no sense
3. Has no sister
4. We haven't seen each other in awhile, and if he were to share this news to me it would be by texting. He did not change phones or phone number so he does have a way to contact me

The reason why I am asking if this is sketchy is because this could be some sort of virus and if it is then it'd be helpful if this is spread around. I hope that this is just me being ignorant to an obvious virus that Facebook warned about but I just didn't catch it.
I also only use Twitter, which has less junk like this.

- Fred - 06-16-2014 05:55 PM

Why would anyone in their right mind think that Facebook warns of every virus? Use you brain. Youobviously know this is not from him, so it is a scam of some kind. Do not expect everyone else on the Internet to do your thinking for you.

- C - 06-16-2014 06:00 PM

That's definitely sketchy. Don't click on the link. I recommend sending your friend a message letting them know that you suspect spam before some one does click on it.

- Daniel - 06-16-2014 06:02 PM

Dont Click on it it Could Be a Sign Of a Possible Virus/Spam I Would Ask That Person if They Sent it or Not