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Someone keeps reporting my pictures of my daughter on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Someone keeps reporting my pictures of my daughter on Facebook? - Rachel Borden - 06-16-2014 07:59 PM

Since December, I have been having someone who keeps reporting my photos of my 2-year old daughter Leah and today it was about 8 more and they told me last time it happened that my account could get deleted...I took some of them down but some of them have been on there since she was a baby.

And I think that it's just someone trying to be funny or make me mad. Some of those pictures have been on there for 2+ years and they're kind of sentimental. If they think there being funny, they’re’s actually really upsetting for me and they all say they were reported for pornography and must be some sick person though because they are all ones where Leah isn't wearing a shirt and what should I do should I delete my Facebook, unfriend my friends and keep my Facebook family only, or just take pictures of my daughter with her shirt on from now on.

- Hayden - 06-16-2014 08:05 PM

Dude just block them, there just trying to get you mad because there window lickers and want attention do not reply to them just block if you do reply to them it will just make the situation worse

- Cynthia - 06-16-2014 08:12 PM

Do you realize what can happen to photos that you think are innocent? They can be copied and posted on child porn sites. What to you is an innocent naked (or semi-naked) picture of your daughter, is a pedophile's dream! This isn't paranoia speaking; it has happened.

I understand that some photos are sentimental to you, but that doesn't mean you need to post them on Facebook. Keep them in the Pictures file on your computer.

You should also make all of your pictures private so only family and close friends can see them.

Whoever is reporting your pictures is trying to help you out here. That person is afraid of what can happen. However, that person is doing it in a very passive-aggressive way. If it's a friend of yours, that person should have just told you about it. Unless, of course, that person TRIED to tell you, but you weren't open to listening.

From now on, only FULLY CLOTHED photos of your daughter should be posted and even then, make them private to only trusted people.

- Jessica - 06-16-2014 08:27 PM


(2) Keep your account private to close friends and family

- Argus Tuft - 06-16-2014 08:34 PM

Thanks to the do-gooders of the world, any photo of a child that is accessible to the public will be flagged as possible child pornography. Tough as it sounds, but that is the way things are now. However, you should understand why Facebook is so serious about it as they are trying to do all they can to lose the 'Pedobook' tag, and Facebook is where most of the pedo's get their targets.

One way to avoid being flagged is to make the photo's private, then only those who YOU want to see them will see them.

- Thunder Guns - 06-16-2014 08:36 PM

Hey Smile you're cute. Email me your number or something so i can text you. Or your Facebook link, I'll add you. My email is

- Joshua - 06-16-2014 08:44 PM

Maybe the person doing this is just too much of a coward and too pathetic to come out and say who it is. Instead, they have to hide and make fake profiles trying to be funny when in reality it's just stupid, immature, pathetic, creepy, stalker-like and pathetic. Maybe if they have a problem with any pictures someone on their friends list posts they should be an adult about it and remove themselves. It's probably some enormous ugly low life piece of scum doing it.