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What other ways can a website make money without advertising? - Printable Version

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What other ways can a website make money without advertising? - Riong Riong - 06-16-2014 08:48 PM

I'm trying to bank on a social networking idea that I have. I've already got it planned out and everything, just wondering is their any other ways of making money besides advertising?

- hottotrot1_usa - 06-16-2014 08:51 PM

1. Charge users a fee
2. Gather information about consumers and sell it to businesses

- Corey - 06-16-2014 09:08 PM

1. Donations
2. Sell affiliate products
3. Make it a membership website
4. Allow people to pay to guest blog
5. Refer people to programs that pay a referral fee

Best ways I know besides displaying ads.