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What are the effective ways to improve keyword ranking? - Printable Version

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What are the effective ways to improve keyword ranking? - David - 06-16-2014 08:53 PM

My site has average traffic and my keywords are also not on 1st page of SERP.How can I increase ranking to so that my traffic also increases?

- ? - 06-16-2014 09:00 PM

The backlink reporting tool reports you have 14 links from 6 sites (they can overlook low quality link sources), you certainly an benofit from more backlinks, with perhaps 1/3 of them including keyword variations in the anchor text (the blue underlined text that one clicks)

Don't repeat packagingsuppliesbymail in every backlink make a natural looking variety, packing by mail, shipping supplies, etc.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization primer by an SEO authority, too much of the stuff taught by others is out of date or simply inaccurate.

- Charles Williams - 06-16-2014 09:11 PM

do only quality work on only authentic sites.

- Vincent Cameron - 06-16-2014 09:14 PM

Google serp records 2 links inbound only so looks like your rankings are based on onsite seo only. However you have over 3k pages indexed, that has to be yielding some decent traffic. I would focus a little on your conversion rates to make more money with what you currently generate.

As for keyword ranking I would focus on the keywords that are making you money from page 2+ and focus on them to get to the top results for more buyer traffic. Use that keyword as your guide and build links specifically for that page. You can find those pages by viewing who is linking to your competition and chances are if they are linking to them they will link to you too.

Hint: find out how your doing in Google type
site:URL - to see pages indexed by Google
link:URL - to see the pages linking to you in Google use this *one on your competition to find links

- YahooDeana - 06-16-2014 09:22 PM

Keywords are out as far as google is concerned. Website content is the way to organic search results. I found a good SEO book on Amazon - "SEO Organics." I think it's on kindle too.

- Biplab - 06-16-2014 09:31 PM

Watch this youtube video now & you will get your answer