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Do my in laws like me ? - Printable Version

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Do my in laws like me ? - 516 - 06-17-2014 03:52 AM

They are nice in person but on fb they pretty much ignore me . Im surprised they added me really .

- . - 06-17-2014 04:05 AM

if they are nice in person, they like you
if they ignore you on facebook, they don't like you on facebook or they don't use facebook

- southerngirl - 06-17-2014 04:16 AM

Do not worry about Facebook! If they are great to you in real life then they like you!

- LEYKIS 101 - 06-17-2014 04:19 AM

why don't people find these things out before they get married??

- Softtouchmale - 06-17-2014 04:24 AM

They are nice to you because they have to be.

If there's a divorce, a split, or a rift, trust me your ears will be buzzing on facebook.

- Kizza - 06-17-2014 04:32 AM

Facebook if for kids, seriously. Just be yourself.

- princess - 06-17-2014 04:42 AM

Your in-laws probably like U, just do your part & treat them kind, respectful, friendly, complimenting, helpful & the sort. Don't go overboard on in-laws trying 2 make them like U.

- Patricia - 06-17-2014 04:47 AM

Facebook? Are you serious?

Do you have a life in reality?

- Another Crone - 06-17-2014 04:50 AM

I ignore everyone on FB and I only "friend" people I actually know and like. My guess is that they "friended" you because they like and accept you.. but they don't pay much attention to FB and it simply isn't a priority of any kind in their life.