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I have no friends, and i'm so lonely? - Printable Version

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I have no friends, and i'm so lonely? - 765 - 06-17-2014 04:08 AM

Well, i used to have friends, in fact a lot of friends and i was very happy. I was very happy from the months January to April as people would invite me out and i felt loved, but then things started to change. Although i understand i didn't talk to them all the time (on Facebook/message) i would occasionally have a chat with them like very few days. (by the way i have 3 friends and would only speak to two of them). But recently i have become sad as none of them ever message me, EVER. I have literally not had a conversation with them on text or Facebook for like 2 months and i am so so so lonely at home. Plus, i have really bad anxiety so it is basically impossible for me to start conversations so i literally sit at home all say bored, not talking to anyone. The only times i have been invited out (which is only about 2 times since May/June), is when they have been talking about meeting up while at school with each other and i have asked about it (they feel the need to invite me). I am so so scared because summer is coming up soon and i know i will be forgotten about, like every other summer. They will all go out together like they always do and post photos and be having fun while i am sat at home doing nothing. I hate it and feel so depressed and alone. Plus, one of my friends has clearly decided that she now hates me as she has deleted 3 photos of me and her off her instagram, but no others. I'm just really alone and no one cares. They all think i'm joking/ pretending to be sad and tweet things like 'stop acting depressed, you are no way near depressed ffs'. And that hurts me even more because i know its about me, none of them care about my feelings (i have literally not been asked if i am okay for about 2 months). One of them will tweet it and the rest will favorite it. I have never felt so alone in my whole life and this summer will make me even sadder, as i sit at home and watch them all have fun together and get closer as i become forgotten. Please help me, i cry every night about how lonely i am, and how happy they all are. Please help me:'(
i am 15 by the way, nearly finished year 10

- Wai - 06-17-2014 04:13 AM

i guess im just a random stranger who happens to have read this post, you can talk to me if you like dm me on twitter? @asdfghjklwai xx

- Morgan - 06-17-2014 04:28 AM

"If you live off anothers compliments, you will die from their criticism". They are missing out on a good friend, and only you can truly appreciate the good qualities about yourself right now. It sounds to me like you are feeling sorry for yourself instead of realising that these people are not truly there for you as your friends anyway. Is that really the type of people you want to have control over your happiness? It is always 100% every single day YOUR responsibility to be happy and enjoy life. Only you can learn how to enjoy being you, nobody can teach you that. Perhaps its just time for you to have some alone time right now and get to know yourself a little more. Stop lurking their pages and wondering what they're doing, they're having fun. Now take your turn and be your own friend. Start doing your make up just for yourself, do some yoga, take a walk or bike ride and just stay off facebook for a few days and think to yourself. Become your own best friend. Be patient. It could take years, but in the end you will be more insightful and self-aware than any of them. YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE

- Demonic - 06-17-2014 04:36 AM

Hello belle, I'm 14 going, if you want to talk you can find me on Facebook, Megan Elizabeth Templeton that's my name, and I know how it feels, I use to have friends then it all changed, instead of them not taking to me they began to bully me and I would get daily beatings, now I still have low confidence but I've made a few friends that are younger than me but we've made a close connection, I'd say its time to make new friends but I know how hard it can be. Don't think about them, think about your own life, don't let them hold you back and I know its hurtful the comments they put, its hard I know, they just don't understand, but I do xxxxx

- Rob - 06-17-2014 04:53 AM

try joining a club or activities in you community centres. open up to others and don't limit yourself to only a few friends. i have a friend who experiences the same circumstance as you do. we still get in touch even though we're continents apart. i encouraged him to go out and meet others in his community. now, he's more comfortable meeting new people and going out of his comfort area.

- Anna - 06-17-2014 04:58 AM

This happened to me last year it was horrible i know how you feel this is what i did in lessons i was chatting around to new people once you start a convosation with someone they will automatically start one with you next time then so on and so on you will get more familiar with this person and for your anxiety it will be easier with time once you have found this person ask if you can go off with them at lunch go off to start with at least 2 times a week once you have more confidence increase that number untill you dont hang with your old group any more then all you need to do is forget about your old group then start inviting your new friend or friends out places trust me you will be fine i was scared about going off and worried about what they said about me and stuff you just have to forget about them by the sounds of what they are saying its bullying good luck with the future i hope i have helped you will be fine email me if you need me my love x

- Alli - 06-17-2014 05:01 AM

believe me i know its hard to branch out im 16 and for a long time i felt like i had no friends and i didn't i ate lunch in the bathroom because i didn't want to sit alone i didn't listen to the right music i wasn't super skinny or beautiful but i was on facebook one day and i messaged this girl who was from my class i just said hey how are you and shes like hey we should hang and i said sure we are the best of friends now and i know new people because of her it gave me the confidence to branch out and meet new people ive never met before i reconnected with old friends and i have A lot of friends and i feel very loved
i used to have panic and anxiety attacks i used to take anti depressants just to get through the day without crying because i felt so alone but i decided to take a chance and it worked for me yes ive been rejected by people romantically and in friendship but it made me stronger and taught me more about people take a chance or to it'lll eventually pay off and just don't try to hard if its the right person it will just happen

- cupcake - 06-17-2014 05:08 AM

Don't worry. I'll be ur friend. Go out and meet new people who r nice to u. Don't listen to what they say cause they r jerks. When u go to school make new friends that love u for who u r. Have fun and just be ur self!! I don't even know ubut I like u ready<3

- skillysantos - 06-17-2014 05:09 AM

im going to university in october and im 18
ive been at home for 2 months now, and literally only went out a handful of times
i swear the people i called friends are fake, they dont bother to text or message me even when i did it first, they dont invite me anywhere and literally im stuck at home in this wasteland of a heatwave

i basically lost all my friends, the friends i had at college said goodbye and i feel so lonely, i was dreading this summer for months. there are no activities in this comminty for me so i bascially jsut stay at home and do nothing

since your in year 11 after summer, try and talk to people in your classes that you havent before, try and befriend them and forget about your so called 'friends' because they wont be there for you next summer, you need friends for this year, next summer annd for college