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can a dental health website make money? - Printable Version

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can a dental health website make money? - Awesme Forsome - 06-17-2014 06:12 AM

My friend who is a dentist wants to make a dental health website,which will be composed of articles about dental health awareness, example "how to maintain oral hygiene" or "bleeding gums management".These articles will be written in simple non technical language,which is intended for general public.Can he make money from this kind of website?if yes, please mention how...i mean through adsense, or affiliate marketing or CPA networks? In future he will progress towards adding more features and widgets to the website.Kindly answer.Thanks.

- ? - 06-17-2014 06:24 AM

Not huge money, but some I suspect. Dentist office ads would be an obvious income stream - anyone starting a new dental office and looking for patients might be interested in putting an ad up. You'd need to have location information (ideally geolocational data) for that though - dentistry by definition is local. Seeing an ad for an office in Scottsdale, AZ is of no interest if you're in Warsaw, Poland.

- Mike - 06-17-2014 06:29 AM

If they incorporate advertising on it, but I dont think that's good for business. Give it a try

- 131 - 06-17-2014 06:35 AM

He's make more money advertising his own dental business to find more clients.