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So does she want me to contact her again? Should I wait for her? - Printable Version

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So does she want me to contact her again? Should I wait for her? - 598 - 06-17-2014 06:26 AM

Ok, I'm a dude. I texted this girl off and on for 2 weeks. I went on a date with her and it went great. Lot in common. She said let's do something next weekend. Sun-fri I texted her everyday. I think I texted her too much, but she responded, so I kept texting. Weekend came and she was busy. I Didn't text or call for 5 days. Called wed and left a message. She didn't respond, but her phone is goofy and may NOT have got'n it, idk. That's the last time I've tried to reach her, but she has liked some of my status on fb. But she ONLY likes the ones with my daughter, not the ones with me in them or any of my likes. But! I'm also fb friends with her ex bf....
What is the deal? Do you think she still likes me? She does have a lot of fb friends. Should I contact her on fb? Wait for her to get a hold of me some more? Any other ideas?

- john - 06-17-2014 06:40 AM

Well for now be patient and wait for her message, if she will reply you and would like to go out with you again so its good for you and it is positive sign from her side so for now wait for her reply and see how she gives you response so you can imagine that she is interested in you or not...