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PC always at 80-100% cpu? - Printable Version

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PC always at 80-100% cpu? - 965 - 06-17-2014 12:59 PM

Hello i am not very good at fixing PC so i wanted to ask a question
When i start my pc it is bugged and cant do anything, thats because my cpu is on 100%
It works well when i am at safe mode so i suspect that a program is doing that, but i dont know how to find out what program.
Somethimes eaven Google Chrome uses 50% and skype also 40-50%
I really need help i tried updating every driver it didnt work, scaned my PC for malware and viruses no result i have avast antivirus and avg, and malwer cleaner and advanced system care.
I founded on some forums that i should do something with msconfig but i dont know what.

If u have any solution it would be great and sory for my bad english Smile
reply Alban tryed alredy didnt work

- Alban - 06-17-2014 01:04 PM

hey i have the same problem but i do this :
step 1: open task manager with ctrl+alt+delete
step 2: go to processes
step3:there u can see the line of CPU with some numbers form 00 to 15+
step 4: press one of them with left click
step 5:and press set affinity..
step 6:you may have 2 processors or more
step 7:one time press the procesor 1, for next click pres the 2,...
Smile this may help u Smile

- Nahum - 06-17-2014 01:06 PM

You don't mention what sort of hardware you have. If your system is low on RAM (especially if it only has 2GB or less) or hard drive space (less than 10% or 2× your RAM), it is struggling to simply set up the desktop.

It could also just be doing regular maintenance such as checking for updates, indexing your files for search, or running antivirus.

If Task Manager isn't giving you enough clues, try using Resource Monitor (Start > resmon.exe or go to Performance tab in Task Manager and press button) to see if a process is taking up CPU cycles or keeping the hard drive busy.

If you do suspect a virus, try running scans in Safe Mode.