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near death experiances,paranormality, and beings of diffrent beliefs? - Printable Version

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near death experiances,paranormality, and beings of diffrent beliefs? - 373 - 06-17-2014 01:11 PM

there are reports of near death experiences of pagan nature, norse(viking mithology),buddhist and hindu gods seen by them theirselves(actually thai buddhists who 1 i know of saw 2 hindu gods and talked to them,and both hindu and thais saw Yama judge god(post mortem of both beliefs), even a little boy who saw the 8 immortals of taoism, did anybody have a near death experiance and encountered a mythological being of other than these, perhaps mesopotamian gods or egyptian gods, or had an out of body , or merely a paranormal experiance of pagan proportion; personally i saw the face of a being, obviously extradimentional( only the face),many ears later while checking the web , a sumarian relic matched PERFECTLY, but only represented in SIMILARITY, of who i saw, BUT obvious to me ,too obviously, IT WAS HIM, a glowing being of white light, he kind you would expect to be heavenly light, or of GOD so to say, but the face had no beard, has circular eyes, silver irises and his pupils has that something i observed in sumarian relic idols,but he is made of and with light , reminded me of the glowing aliens from the 1985 movie cocoon( but these glew yellowish) the spirit i saw glows white, i saw him for a second from the corner of my eye towards the right. i had paranormal experiences of diferent nature , i once felt a fairy in my back , i have seen typical long white garnment angels of christian beliel , and had a glimpse of a tall 7 foot female spirit , like out of a conan movie, so to be a valkery ,of norse mythology, of norse proportion, also invisible animals felt touches, even the soul of a person i know , his deceased 8 year old cousin( died around that age i think)and it felt material while she hugged me in my sleep but i was half awake , like that trans pre sleep, but happened after midnight deep in the night, and more to tell but my question is that , maybe you discovered an unknown being, or later discovered to be of a belief of unknown people or tribe etc or totally unknown or was known or forgot, oh, i almost forgot ,the being is the sumarian god Enlil, but the relic i saw onthe web that matches who i saw is hard to find, i couldnt find it in google images anymore, if you do , the relic of Enlil I'm talking about is white , full body , bald head. bare chest, but with a squiggly beard, and blue eyes and who i saw had no beard and had silver eyes i await what you may have to share, i never had near death experience , did astral projections, 3 times and a short out of body where i got up from bed and i thought i got up until i decided to go back to bed and i went back , and lied down naturally and then woke up, but the rhythem of my movements were too slippery to be physical, but still naturally coordinated

- Fake Genius - 06-17-2014 01:24 PM

every dying person can experience NDE and then die for real. NDE doesn't always end up in death, but those who are actually dying can experience NDE as well. Learn about floccilation -

death is universal experience. it's about the same thing to everyone, every living beings: dog, cat, insects... humans. A very uncomfortable experience to most of us. Just by observing dying people, you can understand it. If people are not going to die, or are in deep coma, they don't experience this though but their NDE can be as you described in your question but i think it's not accepted in modern neurology. it also opposes the view of nihilism and evolutionism.

it is necessary to learn about dying people. those who speak during NDE their facial expressions is a good study subject.

I have yet to experience it myself. But I have seen a few videos and I can accept some of them which were under the watch of medical doctors.

They could experience their religious beliefs but they also have something in common.

I have also heard about ghost stories - in which, people of different religious background keep hold of their beliefs even as ghosts. No matter what they believed, they became ghosts as a common thing. Buddhists, Christians ...

As I follow the Buddha, I can accept these things with open mind. Also being a Buddhist doesn't mean one is safe. The Buddha was a teacher who let us know about these different existences - 31 realms of existence. Unless one has freed the mind from fetters: ego, etc, one is bound to existence to be or become just anything depends on the effect of one's actions (kamma vipaka).

Relic of Enlil - if authentic, like the shroud of Turin, it would be displayed by religious leaders. But you experience what you did. Two people can look similar too.