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Why don't Athiests believe in God when everybody else does? - Printable Version

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Why don't Athiests believe in God when everybody else does? - 371 - 06-17-2014 07:29 PM

- Maurog IV - 06-17-2014 07:43 PM

Because dictionary.

- 596 - 06-17-2014 07:55 PM

Self Impressed Narcissistic Nincompoopism

- President - 06-17-2014 08:12 PM

Then they wouldn't be atheist Big Grin

- Incongruous - 06-17-2014 08:26 PM

Hmmm Atheism, another institution of mind we mentally chose to join.
The ego always looks for a place to lay it's head and even construes it's own reality.
The major faiths do tell us to avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: However, today it seems science has become a God which people follow, embroiled in the logical pursuit of objective truth for some it is the mere servant. This is contrary to (Luke 9:58) - Difficult when concomitant/embroiled with Imperial life. (Cosmic intractability, the basis for our obdurate theses/obstinate goal)
I think people who pigeon hole them selves as Atheists just watch to many documentaries and wild life programs, and listen to people like Richard Dawkins – amongst others.
(Due to the insidious nature of plausibility) ~ (I sound as though I know what I'm talking about) - and formatory thinking, people tend to believe peerage)- Buy the dream – (Some say Spiritual sleep)

- Red Dragon - 06-17-2014 08:37 PM

Which god would that be exactly?

- Josiah - 06-17-2014 08:41 PM

Don't you understand that atheists are illogical.

- little wing - 06-17-2014 08:46 PM

religion is too "mainstream" apparently
pesky non conforming goth kids and their drugs

- xK - 06-17-2014 08:54 PM

Only 33% of people believe in "God" in terms of Christianity. The rest of the world doesn't.

- b - 06-17-2014 08:58 PM

Because even the bull spittin bible says wide is the gate to destruction and narrow the way to heaven. 2 billion plus people sounds like a wide gate to me!

Im not an atheist but they generally think for themselves, not regurgitate.