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Can anyone help me with SEO errors on my website please? - Printable Version

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Can anyone help me with SEO errors on my website please? - Lora Elyse Photography - 06-18-2014 12:08 PM


I just launched a new website about 2 months ago, around 3 weeks ago I completed my on-page SEO. I have used the Yoast plugin for wordpress and have keyword-ed every: photo title, Alt tag, meta description, page title, page URL as well as every bit of text and content. I have a blog page that I fill out with relevant posts. I have a links page that links out to relevant people/things. I have registered with Google Websmaster, bing Webmaster and Alexa tool. I have posted some of my pages on Stumbled Upon, and I answer relevant questions on Yahoo in the Photography section.

Where am I going wrong? My ' Search Queries' seem low on Google and my Alexa rating that was going up, is now going down.
the one thing i know is that there is a 'design fault' on my page where my headings are all... I think it's H< 2 > and so I can't fill out any other heading sections yet until i get the design tweaked. I don't currently have the funds to do that though.
Am I being impatient and I just need to wait for google, bing and alexa to catch up with all of this new information, or should three weeks have sufficed and I need to change something?

By the way my site is:

if you can possibly inspect it for me and let me know where you think I might be going wrong?
I only just started learning about all of this SEO business about 5 weeks ago though so please be gentle with the technical language.

Thank you so much!

- john - 06-18-2014 12:20 PM

Post significant content on your website. Don't forget to include keywords in your title, description, alt tags, heading and the like. Most search engine love long and unique content for 'Content is the King'.

- Argyles - 06-18-2014 12:22 PM

Something I'd recommend to help you out is to use your keywords in your title. Keep in mind that every page should have a different title. Not a huge difference, but use different keywords that pertain to the content on that page.

I think you've done a good job, using the authorship meta is relatively new and I don't see enough people using this meta. Google loves to promote it's own products. Make sure you stay up on your +page and post on it.

Keep building quality links, submissions and you'll see more readers. Consider guest blogging or other sources that will help you.

The <h2> tag will be important to fix as it's part of your content. You can probably do this yourself.

Don't build for engines, build for your readers. Most sites are naturally indexed, so you've done a lot of on page. Work on building a site that makes your readers want to come back for fresh content.

- Larissa - 06-18-2014 12:35 PM

It takes time to get on the search result these days. You need to build your website slowly with more contents.

- Vikram - 06-18-2014 12:51 PM

On page is not good even i found your site is not attractive, its photography niche it has to be very much attractive and eye catching

- Sarah - 06-18-2014 12:57 PM

Take a look at a few agencies

- Nex-G - 06-18-2014 01:00 PM

Well Lora.!! i visited your site and I'hv some suggestion for you. I think you need to make some changes in your sitemap. You submitted a set of sitemaps, I'll suggest you to make a single sitemap with a neat hierarchy and keep all urls within a single sitemap with proper frequency and priority. Since your site have almost no content, it'll take some time to perform well.
-Your links menu have many outgoing urls, it's harmful for you right now.
-Need to change meta header (title, description, and meta keywords) information.
Hope these changes will help you..thanks.