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Google New Technology for SEO? - 760 - 06-18-2014 02:33 PM

Hello all please post google new algo for search engine optimization, if any know more about google new algo please post here, i need your help.


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- Abitha Jagadesh - 06-18-2014 02:44 PM

There are no ways to find out what algorithm google uses to index your site and give the results. You can only try to understand some new changes made in the algorithm, but you really cant say the algo exactly looks like this.

- Smith Bill - 06-18-2014 02:58 PM

Google Panda refers to the change introduced to the search algorithm used by Google in 2011, to give better search resultsThe change aims to lower the rank of "low quality content sites" in search results and return high-quality sites to its users CNET reported a surge in the rankings of News websites and Social Networking sites,

- Maria - 06-18-2014 03:12 PM

Check this out:

- imisidro - 06-18-2014 03:13 PM

The new Google algorithm is called Panda, which started in February but Google continues to tweak.

Below are the schedule of Panda updates:

Panda 1.0 - Feb 24, 2011
Panda 2.0 - April 11, 2011
Panda 2.1 - May 10, 2011
Panda 2.2 - June 16, 2011
Panda 2.3 - July 23, 2011
Panda 2.4 - August 12, 2011

During these updates, some sites see boost in traffic; some sites get Pandalized and see their keywords disappear and traffic drops (as much as 80-90%); or some sites previously Pandalized get out of the hole and traffic improves

SEO experts haven't been able to pin down how to escape Panda when you are Pandalized. But start with the new Google quality guidelines and make sure your site follows them closely. Google wants you to build a high quality site, which they defined here

- Vincent - 06-18-2014 03:25 PM

the best way to optimize your website is to have many accounts that link back to your website.

yahoo local
google local
bing local (keep posting constantly)
many others....

another way is to have blogs that are constructive. place many keywords in your text.

and last but not least

facebook likes
google +1

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Answer: It’s a new thing from Google that lets people share what websites they think are great!

*Question: How do people share that a website is good with Google +1?
Answer: When you run a google search, you will now see a little +1 by the website’s name. This is the Google +1 Button! simply by clicking this button, a user reports that website as “being cool”!

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Answer: In the easiest explanation, it means your website will get more traffic. Plus1Pros provides your website with real and manually delivered +1s, which will increase your sites popularity…and in turn, increase your Google ranking and visibility!

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