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Can more than one computer share the last three digits in an IP address? - Printable Version

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Can more than one computer share the last three digits in an IP address? - Gabriel - 06-18-2014 02:48 PM

For example,


Can there be another IP in the world with matching digits?
(The last three?)

- Aj - 06-18-2014 02:57 PM

Not an external Internet facing IP address. Even huge global corporations only have a few external IP addresses.

And it is only an exact match for all 12 numbers. What you are asking is like if 1132 and 2132 are the same.

- Duncan - 06-18-2014 03:12 PM

If xx.xx.xx.132 is your external IP address then all the computers in your home will use that when connecting out to the Internet. The router allocates an individual IP address to each device connecting to the network internally and routes (hence the name) the incoming connections from xx.xx.xx.132 to the right device.

The internal addresses are usually,, etc.

The IP address you use is not fixed and belongs to your ISP not you. The ISP can reallocate an IP address at any time. You may be using xx.xx.xx.132 today and someone else miles from your location may be using it tomorrow.