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Will a movie load if there is no internet connection and I'm watching it online? - Printable Version

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Will a movie load if there is no internet connection and I'm watching it online? - 862 - 06-18-2014 04:52 PM

We're going on a car trip, so I'm pulling up some of my favorite movies on the internet. Obviously in the car there is no internet connection. These movies will not load unless they are being played. Will they continue to load without an internet connection?

- Bruce - 06-18-2014 04:54 PM

Yes i watch movies at 2 GBPS speed without internet connection

- Diptesh Malatpure - 06-18-2014 05:09 PM

Yup the computer automatically cuts off the internet connection and uses the n. protocol located in c://hjkl.mnjh.hyh:cc which is an impressive piece of technology .The direct x fiber route is initiated which logs you on to the x-amp service . this amplifies all connections and thus you can watch the movie. If you want to configure these settings to do more awesome things go to run and type in hampdotred.exe .