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Omg my dog is missing?!? - Wendy Bray - 06-18-2014 09:18 PM

So Ive just moved in and my dog Marley has ran away. He mustve got through a gap. Sad Ive been living here lets say a week? He is a lovely boy, dont reccomened putting up posters. Done it and some kids ripped them all down -.- So my Marley has been missing for a long long while. My daughter is in tears. HELP?!

- Kierstien - 06-18-2014 09:29 PM

Put the signs up again, and high enough so the little brats cant reach them, and keep checking at the old house. Check the animal shelters. He might have gone there. Best of luck.

- Badass - 06-18-2014 09:34 PM

Sorry about your dog. This happened to me in October. I know how devastating it is. I couldn't sleep at all and was out day and night on foot, and in a car looking all over. Screaming his name hoping I'd find him. I never changed, showered, or anything (gross). Searched my entire huge subdivision, and half of a subdivision near mine. I put a scale outside that he peed on (little a$$hole) freshly in my backyard. And I left my backdoor open at all times incase he came back. The reason he got out is because when I came home from school it was a windy day and I didn't lock the back door, or the garage door and the back door got blown open-eventually the garage door did too. Well we ended up finding him in a small subdivision right next to where our subdivision "ends" and he got scared of the headlights and he is an inside dog never has been outside of his yard so he must have been real confused. That was horrible we stayed out there for hours- the police even were called because we looked "suspicious". Brought one of our other dogs with us and brought hotdogs and our other dog would smell the ground and act like she was on a scent-only to eat every hotdog I dropped...Anyways, at 6:20 something the next morning my mom said she heard the garage door getting scratched like crazy and that dog scratches his paws uses them like hands all the time (it hurts) like a cat. She looked out and saw a "tiny figure" opened it and he jumped on her bed. Then she came and woke me up and I was surprised I was sleeping because I hadn't slept the entire time didn't remember going to sleep. It felt like a dream-getting woken up on Christmas or something. He was so calm and exhausted. I know he never slept. Around his nose was pure red and his eyes. Other than that he had no injury or anything wrong. Except he was visibly skinnier after 2 days gone. Have hope. I was in a real dark place I didn't even know what to feel. Look up lost and found pet "sites" in your state- I did mine through Facebook. Looked up lost and found (my state) and joined a few groups (still in them all). Posted the pics of him on there when he was missing. Who knows maybe your dog has already been found on one of those things. Go to every animal control- animal shelter even relatively near you. Again, I'm very sorry that you're having to go through this. It's a really sucky feeling.

At the time that he was lost I felt like I'd never see him again. I prayed, I said if there even is a God do this one thing for me. And now here's a recent pic of my baby.

- GllntKnight - 06-18-2014 09:48 PM

If had secured your premises this wouldn't have happened.

- Hand_of_Chaos - 06-18-2014 10:05 PM

Your fault

You knew the hole was there and failed to keep the dog properly contained. Its likely been ran over, someone saw it and stole it because many people sadly believe if you find a dog you can keep it or AC has picked it up

Tel your child its all yoru fault since you knew the hole was there and still allowed the dog to be in the yard unsupervised and the dog ran off likely to be ran over or stolen. You need to GO to all the local AC's and rescues in the area and look for the dog